Bags are Packed

My bags are packed.  Tomorrow morning at 7 a.m. I will board my first flight and set out on a round-the-world adventure that has been in the planning stages for 8 months.  Although prepared and finished with my numerous to-do lists, my nerves continue to bring about doubt in my mind that everything is complete.  However, it’s to late now and anything that I have forgot will have to be accomplished on the road or have to wait until I return.  I would love to write more but my alarm clock is set for 5 short hours from now.  Stay tuned as the posts and pictures will become more interesting in the coming weeks!


  1. N Adams
    November 3, 2015

    Bon Voyage! Travel mercies and wonder!

  2. Duntz
    November 3, 2015

    Good luck man! Knowing you you haven’t forgotten a thing

  3. Bautista
    November 3, 2015

    Have a safe journey!

  4. Jen
    November 4, 2015

    Good luck, Paul! We love you. The “hell team” is going to miss you. 🙂

  5. Talitha
    November 4, 2015

    Good morning!!! This is so exciting. I hope this journey brings you joy and adventure. Be safe and be sure to send pictures. This is inspiring.

  6. Shannon
    November 9, 2015

    Wishing you safe travels and the best journey!!


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