Day 30 – Milford Sound, New Zealand – 8:20 A

Yesterday, prior to leaving Te Anau, I checked the weather forecasts for Milford Sound.  Rain was predicted to begin last night and end early this morning prior to my half-day guided trek along the Milford Track.  As I prepared for bed last night the rain and wind increased.  I calmly fell asleep hoping the forecasts would prove correct and I’d awake to sunny skies and calm conditions.  Well, you know what they say about forecasts, they’re wrong the majority of the time. It did rain and it has not stopped since beginning last evening.

I’m currently sitting in the Milford Sound Lodge writing this post.  I cannot but be slightly distracted by the torrents of rain outside and the gale force winds that are causing havoc on the trees and small shrubbery.  My trek, which was supposed to begin at 8:00 am has been delayed.  The guides cannot make it to Milford Sound as there is a tree across Milford Road.  As Milford Sound is part of a national park, there are a number of hoops to jump through before a tree can be removed.

I have on my rain pants and a rain coat.  My cameras, which I’ll probably not use, are in dry bags, along with my phone and wallet.  My dry bags are inside a large black trash bag that lines the inside of my daypack.  I’m ready for a day of walking in torrential rain.  At least, I think I am.  My GoPro is charged and ready to document the days events.

The large number of surging waterfalls will certainly increase with such a deluge of rain.  That is certainly a positive. Many of the cliffs in Milford Sound are so sheer that all water cascades down the face rather than simply dribbling down rocks.  From my current vantage point on a couch in the lounge, I can spot eleven waterfalls alone.  Hopefully, the winds subside before tomorrow morning when I board my kayak for a six hour excursion into the fiords.  I cannot imagine kayaking in these current conditions.

UPDATE: 10:10 am
The shuttle that was to transport me and two others to the start of the half-day hike finally arrived.  Unfortunately, the guide along with her supervisor deemed it unsafe to embark on the Milford Track and thus canceled the excursion.  The cost will get refunded.  I’m disappointed as this was the first activity I booked in New Zealand and was greatly looking forward to it.  However, if I was forced to choose between the hike and kayak excursion, I would prefer to kayak.  Hopefully the weather clears for tomorrow and my trip to Milford Sound is not a complete washout.

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