Location of Hostels is Key
Day 44 – Mission Beach, Australia – 11:58a
I’m currently sitting on Brooke’s Beach on Bingil Bay. This area is a section of Mission Beach, a 2-hour bus ride south of Cairns. I arrived around 10:30 am this morning. A shuttle was waiting to take me to Jackaroo Hostel, my accommodation for the night. On the ride from the bus stop to the hostel, we passed a number of busy beaches and quaint restaurants and beach side eateries. We
continued to drive and drive. Twenty minutes or so later we pulled up to Jackaroo’s. I unloaded my bags and walked into reception. The gentlemen behind the desk informed me that check in commenced at 1 pm. I could have a look around town and return anytime after 1 pm. The only problem was the next shuttle from the hostel to Mission Beach was not until after 3 pm. Hitchhiking was an option but I’d prefer a different route. Rather than thumbing my way to the popular Mission Beach, I walked 20 minutes to Brooke’s Beach. It is a nice beach and I have more then enough space to spread out, as I’m the only person here. I wish I were further south by a couple of miles. There I’d find the beaches that are a bit more popular and offer beachside attractions.
My short duration at Mission Beach played a key decision in reserving Jackaroo’s. I’m only here for one night so I can tolerate that there is not much within walking distance. This is one instance where a car would work wonders. Having a vehicle gives you freedom to go wherever you want and whenever you want. Seeing as I do not have a vehicle, I must pay close attention to the locations of hostels that I research.
Jackaroo’s looks like a wonderful hostel and they provide much for their guests. There is a pool, an outdoor movie screen, a large kitchen and seating area. My only qualm is its proximity to town. Even with my minor gripes, this beats the cold New England winter and working the usual 9-to-5. I’ll be a victim to those things again before I know it. For know, I’ll lay back down and continue to soak in the rays of sun that fight their way through the clouds.