Day 3 (Timboon – Melbourne)

Our final day on the Great Ocean Road (GOR) began in the living room of family friends of Ben, a friend I met in New Zealand who accompanied me along the GOR.  Our intention was to set up our tents on their front lawn.  But, after arriving and chatting with the owner, he invited us to make use of the couch and floor inside rather than setting up camp outside in the dark.  We took him up on his offer and I chose the three-cushioned couch. I have slept on my fair share of couches in the past. As a result, I am quite adept at getting a good night sleep without rolling onto the floor. My travel mates made use of the air mattresses and before the clock struck midnight we were fast asleep.

I awoke feeling refreshed and ready for Day 3. We did not have anything set in stone for our final day on the GOR except working our way back to Melbourne. The owner of the house left us a list of attractions to consider during our journey east. After a breakfast that included homemade egg and cheese sandwiches, we loaded our sleeping bags into the car, pulled out of the driveway and began winding our way out of town.

Our first stop was Lake Bullen Merri in the nearby town of Camperdown. Our hopes of a quick swim were dashed when we discovered that blue-green algae had appeared in the lake and the health risks were to great to dive in. As I gazed out over the lake, I noticed one brave soul strapped to a wake board zipping over the surface of the water. According to Ben, the levels of algae gradually decrease as you move further away from shore. Even with this reassurance, I was not going near that water. We buckled ourselves back in the car and made the short journey to the botanical gardens.

After parking the car, we made the short stroll through the welcome gates and proceeded along manicured foot paths. Various types of trees appeared in all directions. Beds of flowers accented the shrubbery that popped up around it. The botanical gardens also provided an excellent bird’s eye view of Lake Bullen Merri. From this vantage point, I instantly noticed the difference in color from the blue-green algae filled Lake Bullen Merri and the clean water of Lake Gnotuck, mere meters apart.

After enjoying the solitude of the botanical gardens, we returned to the car and continued east along the GOR towards Melbourne. We made significant progress in our return journey prior to stopping for lunch. Just outside Geelong, approximately one hour from Melbourne, we pulled into a mall parking lot. According to Ben and his friend Patrick, the third member of our GOR crew, a must-have burger establishment sat in the mall and that was our destination. I cannot recall the name of the restaurant or the burger I ordered, but it came layered with avocado, cheese, lettuce and tomato. Accompanied with a side of extra salted fries, this meal was exactly what I needed to carry me into Melbourne.

Just prior to 4 PM, we exited the M1 Freeway and navigated the numerous detours until we were within a block or two of Urban Central, my accommodation in Melbourne. I exited the back seat, gathered up my belongings and ensured I left nothing behind. I bid Ben and Patrick adieu and watched them drive away before walking to my hostel. We had our fair share of laughs during our three-day journey along the GOR and I am glad we made the trek together. As a solo traveler, I have realized that sometimes it isn’t what you see but whom you see it with. In this case, the scenery and landscapes were spectacular as was the company I shared it with.

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