Day 65 – Melbourne, Australia – 12:55 PM

Today, prior to 10 AM, I had already ridden on a plane, a train and a bus.  I departed Sydney this morning at 7 AM and landed in Melbourne 45 minutes later.  I subsequently purchased an express bus ticket from the airport to Southern Cross railway station.  From there I boarded a train to Flinders Street station.

Last night, prior to leaving Sydney, I reconnected with a friend from Melbourne, who I first met in Dunedin, New Zealand.  I told him I was arriving in town this morning and would like to catch up over a beer or two.  He informed me he was heading to his parents house in Maffra for the weekend, a 3 hour train ride southeast of Melbourne.  He extended an invitation to join and I accepted.  It would be a great opportunity to experience some local culture and provide a respite from the normal Australian backpacker route.  His cousin from Germany, along with a couple friends, were arriving in Melbourne this morning and we could board the train from Findler Street together.

I arrived a couple hours prior to their landing.  With time to spare, I stored my bags, departed the station and explored the local vicinity.  I walked along one side of the Yarra River.  To my right stood riverfront restaurants awaiting the lunch hour crowd.  To my left, on the river, rowers drove their sculls upriver while scenic river cruises departed with eager tourists.  I crossed the Yarra Footbridge and worked back up the other side of the river towards my origin.

By now it was close to 12 pm and my appetite needed to be fulfilled.  Over my left shoulder I spotted the Mr. Burger food truck.  The smell of cooking ground beef wafted through the air and I was sold.  A burger for lunch would fit the bill.  I walked up and ordered a double beef patty, with caramelized onions, cheese, bacon, lettuce and tomato.  It was accompanied by a small tin of fries sprinkled with salt and drizzled with ketchup.

Following lunch, I walked back to the Flinders Street station passing unique architecture and tourists with cameras raised snapping photographs.  I placed my transit card to the reader, the doors opened and inside I strolled.  The hustle and bustle that I witnessed on arrival had not subsided and riders came and went in all directions.  I found a quiet corner and sit, waiting on the arrival of my friend.

I am often asked if I’m making the most of the towns and cities I visit. While some areas have been larger than others and offered more to see and do; I answer that question with an emphatic yes.  However, with the weather that plagued me this past week, I’m unable to say the same about my stay in Sydney.  Aside from touring the Sydney Opera House and getting my first foreign haircut, I did not accomplish much more during my stay.  If I do ever return to Australia, Sydney is on my list of places I must revisit.


  1. Jim
    January 10, 2016

    Hi Paul, This is Jim from St. Mary’s. I thought it was so cool when your parents told me you took a leave from Corrections and about your trip. Your posted pictures are beautiful and you look in good health. I’m sure like everything in life the days have their ups and downs. Are you staying in hostels or meeting people of goodwill along the way? When, if ever, do you expect to get back to New London? Do you miss Southeast CT.? Do you miss York CI? There was an article in the Day Newspaper stating they are closing the men’s side of the prison.
    I hope your trip remains safe and trouble free. God bless. Sincerely, JIM

    • Paul
      January 13, 2016

      Hey, I’m glad to hear from you! So far I’ve stayed in hostels ranging from 4-person to 8-person rooms. For the most part they are alright, but there are times when I’d like my own space. Having said that, I’ve met some great people during the past 8 weeks and am making connections around the world. Every once in a while I plan to treat myself to a hotel room for a night. My plan is to travel for 1 year. I left CT back in November, so I should be returning home November 2016. That is assuming my allocated travel funds last that long. I don’t miss southeastern CT yet. I’m hoping by the end of my travels I’ll be ready to return to the States. I’m not sure yet if I’ll be returning to CT or moving somewhere else. There are times when I miss York CI. I keep in touch with a few former coworkers and they told me about the annex closing. Thanks for the well wishes and please keep in touch.

  2. Brigid
    January 15, 2016

    Hi Paul – We’re about to get a new world map – so I will be able to follow your route. Your descriptions are super – as an ‘armchair groupie’ I’m so enjoying reading your blog.Senora B.


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