I do my best to describe the sights, smells and sounds that roused my senses as I bounced from city-to-city and country-to-country on my journey around the globe.  However, there are times when words alone cannot convey how I felt in particular situations.  The previous post describing my adventure from Brussels to Morocco is one such example.  I edited together video footage from that morning and thought I’d let you all take a look.

You already know how the day turned out, so sit back, relax and don’t be afraid to crack a smile and laugh at my mistake.  Click HERE to join me in Brussels, Belgium.

1 Comment

  1. N Adams
    September 10, 2016

    These are the experiences that separate you from others who haven’t gone through such challenges. It makes it that much easier for you any time you travel now: more wisdom, less stress….psychological edge.


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