Don’t worry, your eyes are not playing tricks on you.  You did just receive an email indicating that this long-forgotten-about blog has recent activity.  Between juggling a somewhat new 9-to-5 job, furnishing a barely affordable apartment and continuing to comb through the mountain of footage and photographs from this adventure, I found time to compile another video.  Although I now view sunsets through an office window rather than a camera lens, I have not forgotten about my loyal subscribers and the wonderful feedback you gave me throughout this adventure and since I returned to the States.  Towards the tail end of my journey, this blog certainly took a backseat to my surroundings.  But, with country #24 looming in the not-to-distant future, notifications in your inbox may become a regular occurrence once again!!  Time will tell.


The following video documents my final thirteen days on the road.  I left Connecticut in November 2015 with two primary things I wanted to accomplish (among many others) during my time away: ride an elephant and ride a camel.  I sat on the back of a lumbering elephant in Vietnam and knew Morocco was my last chance to climb onto the hump of a camel.  Unsure of how to get into the Sahara Desert or if a camel excursion would be available, I crossed my fingers and hoped for the best…click HERE for the end of the story

1 Comment

  1. Shannon
    February 3, 2017

    Great video!!


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