One Hundred Days!!!  By no means does it feel like I have traveled for one hundred days.  Having completed two countries (New Zealand, Australia) and nearly complete with Vietnam, I can truly say it has been an extraordinary one hundred days.

I have snorkeled, swam, hiked, kayaked, driven and biked in picturesque locations that most people dream of visiting.  While incredible on their own, my experiences were enhanced by the company I kept along the way.  They hail from countries around the globe including Canada, Scotland, Germany, the UK, Argentina, Australia, Sweden and the US.  These individuals turned exciting moments in time into life-lasting memories.  I am eternally grateful to each one of them and the impact they had on me during our brief time together.  Hopefully we can meet up again in the future and reminisce about our interactions.

I have survived public transportation systems, busy airports, customs and immigration officials, language barriers and the streets of Hanoi.  Each of these hurdles played on my nerves before I left and during the early weeks of this round-the-world adventure.  However, with each hurdle I cross, my self-confidence increases little by little and I am less afraid of what I may encounter in the coming months.

I hope the first 100 days have been exciting for you all to follow as well.  I try to paint the scenarios I encounter in such a way that you feel a part of this adventure and not just a bystander reading from the other side of the world.  I hope my photographs have added a second dimension to my posts.  When I started Perpetual Footsteps back in August, I did not know what to expect from this blog or how often I would post updates.  As the weeks and months progressed, this site has turned into a major passion of mine and if I go more than a couple of days without updating you all I feel like I am not doing my part.

Having said that, I must apologize for my lack of posts in the recent days.  I am currently on a motorcycle journey through southern Vietnam with little down time.  I promise to post a thorough summary of this excursion after its completion; then get back to my routine schedule of posting updates and photographs.

I want to personally extend my gratitude to each one of you for subscribing to Perpetual Footsteps.  I thank you for supporting me during the preparation for this journey and as it unfolds.  I promise there will be many exciting things to read about in the future.


Can Tho, Vietnam


  1. Mary F.
    February 12, 2016

    Paul, I really enjoy following the posts of your travels. It helps me see the world in a new light.

    Mary F.

  2. Brigid
    February 12, 2016

    Paul, Congratulations on your first hundred days! As we’re about to have a few days of arctic cold, I’m enjoying your ‘summer’ in Vietnam. Happy travels! Senora B.

  3. Paul W.
    February 12, 2016

    Congratulations on ‘100’. The blog has been great! Keep it up.

  4. Jen
    February 12, 2016

    Paul, I’m so happy that this has turned in to a wonderful experience for you. You seem truly happy! I really enjoy reading your posts too. You are definitely having some great adventures out there…adventures that most of us will never experience. Stay safe and continue to have fun! We love you and miss you.


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