Weeks ago I looked into the requirements to obtain an Indian visa and found the website confusing to navigate. Before I knew it I had multiple Internet windows open all describing different hoops I’d have to jump through. I closed my Internet browser and decided to look into it again at a future date. That day arrived late last week when I had enough free time to delve into the paperwork that needed to accompany the application. Fast forward an hour or so and I had everything completed.  I scheduled a noon appointment for today in New York in order to submit my application.

After taking the train to Grand Central, I hailed a cab to the West 23rd Street office of Cox & Kings Global Services (CKGS), a third party company the Indian Embassy contracted to screen their visa applications. While I don’t intend to enter India until next summer, I’m leaving for my yearlong adventure in 3 weeks.  As a result, I did not want to turn over my passport to CKGS if there was even a slight chance I would not receive it back in time.

My first impression upon entering the CKGS office was how it resembled an American DMV.  There was the typical long counter with representatives on one side.  On the other were rows of chairs occupied by individuals looking to acquire visas.  Upon entry into the office, you were given a number and instructed to wait for your number to be called.  Approximately 40 minutes later a representative called me forward.

With a smile and pleasant attitude I approached the representative that would be handling my application. I learned from past experiences that something as simple as a positive demeanor can be the difference between receiving or not receiving what you want.   She returned the smile and asked for my application and supplemental paperwork. After a couple of signatures and clicks of the keyboard she stated my passport and visa would be delivered back to me in 5-7 business days. I paid the $139 visa fee, wished her a wonderful day and departed. All in all, it was not a difficult process to submit an application for the Indian visa.

If you’ve read my post about the unique world of visas, you’ll know that visas are valid for certain periods of time and limit how long you are allowed to remain in country.  The Indian visa I should receive in 5-7 business days is valid for 10 years and will allow me to remain in country for 6 months.  Although I only intend to spend one month in country, a six month window will provide me the opportunity to extend my stay if I wish.

There remain no further visas I can obtain prior to my departure.  I already acquired visas to Australia, Vietnam and hopefully India.  I will obtain a visa to Myanmar upon arrival and apply for a Schengen visa to enter Europe once I get that portion of my trip set in stone.


22 Days until it all begins…

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