I never created a MySpace Account. I reluctantly established a Facebook profile the morning I left for college. I am currently “friends” with a hundred or so people on Facebook, far short of the thousands that most others are “friends” with. For anyone who is friends with me on Facebook, they can attest to the fact that I rarely comment on anything and have only posted a status once. And I do believe that single status update was the handiwork of a buddy who hijacked my phone one late Saturday night.

Yet here I am writing a blog about an upcoming adventure and uploading pictures on an Instagram account. How did it come to this? What happened to the kid that hardly ever changes his Facebook profile picture? I think it was around the time I started to research my upcoming jaunt around-the-world. As I quietly mentioned my plans to a select group of people I realized it was a once-in-a-lifetime experience. I wanted to document my journey for myself, for those who wish they could embark on the same trek, and for others who simply want to know I’m still healthy and safe.  Perpetual Footsteps began to take shape in the weeks and months that followed.

I like to think I’m tech savvy. Yet, I had no idea how difficult it was to design the website you are currently perusing. I am used to working in Microsoft Office.  If you want to change font size or insert a table or chart, you simply find the corresponding button on the toolbar.  It is completely different when code is involved.  Early on, I spent a considerable amount of time watching YouTube videos and reading articles on how to make a website appear a certain way. There was a fine balance between creating an original website I could call my own and simply copying the format of an already established site. I like to think that Perpetual Footsteps has come a long way since the days when it was only a vague idea in my mind.  It will undoubtedly continue to improve as time progresses. I have enjoyed writing the posts that give my readers insight into my prior travels, my slow journey to the finish lines of races and what I’m preparing for in the future.


20 Days until I board that first flight of a yearlong expedition…Stay tuned…

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