Day 11 – Auckland, New Zealand – 646a

I find it hard to believe that I’m already on Day 11 of this round-the-world adventure.  I landed in Auckland, New Zealand yesterday morning after spending 3 days on Oahu, Hawaii.  When I originally researched flights to New Zealand it occurred to me that I should stop in Hawaii to visit a friend I have known for years.  Last Sunday I left Indiana and its chilling 30 degree temperatures and landed hours later in Honolulu to ocean breezes and aloha spirit.  After being picked up at the airport, my friend and I made our way to her house to drop off my luggage.  We then went to Lulu’s, a bar in Honolulu, where I immediately felt welcomed by her large group of friends.  They all seemed excited to have me in town and were eager to discuss my upcoming adventure around the globe.

On Monday morning we joined a couple of her friends and tackled my first of three hikes.  After driving to the eastside of Oahu and taking in the breathtaking views, we laced up our shoes and completed the Arches hike on the backside of Koko Head.  Arch's HikeThis was far from a technical hike but a good one to kick off an exciting day.  The stunning views that I previously viewed through a car window became more stunning as we made our way up the trail.  After relaxing at the apex of the hike for 15-20 minutes we made our way back to the car.  Next, we drove to Alan Davis, a secluded cliff jumping spot on the east side.  While not a high jump, it was enough for me and the water provided relief I needed from the increasing temperatures.  After swimming for 20 minutes or so, we made our way to the adjoining beach were we killed the next couple of hours taking in endless amounts of sunshine.

During our time at Alan Davis someone mentioned going to the lava tube a short distance away.  Upon hearing the name lava tube I was somewhat leery of what this was going to entail.  How big or small was this tube?  Why was lava in the name?  These were just a few thoughts that entered my mind.  My trepidations were unfounded and it turned out to be a short walk through a hole hewn into rock that goes under a road and empties onto a rocky outcropping that provides stunning views of the tumultuous ocean below.   Once again, the views were indescribable.  After leaving the lava tube, we still had 1 more adventure to accomplish, the 7 Bridges hike.

We began the 7 Bridges hike around 430p and had just under 2 hours to complete it before sunset and darkness followed.  As we began, it started to rain which made the trail muddy and that much more challenging.  It was during this hike that I truly felt I was in the jungle and could easily lose my way.  After crossing numerous streams and ponds the most challenging part came when we had to scale a waterfall using only a rope.  Although it may sound easy, it’s quite the opposite when trying to keep your grip on a wet rope while your feet may lose traction of the small footholds your navigating while a waterfall rains on you from above.  After scaling the fall we turned around at this point and made our way back to the car.  We had only minutes to spare as we finished and darkness rapidly enveloped the island.  Any later and we would have needed headlamps to find our way out.

The next morning we woke at 5a to accomplish our final hike, Dead Man’s Catwalk.  From multiple accounts the best time for this hike is sunrise or sunset.  We made our way to the trailhead and started up a paved road that we followed for the entire way.  The end of the hike is truly exhilarating as you proceed through taller than head high brush before it majestically opens up and in front of you lies a view that simply can’t be described.  The entire coast lies before and below you and the ocean stretches endlessly into the distance.  This third and final hike had the best views hands down.

Wednesday, we woke up and planned our attack on my last day in Hawaii.  We contemplated visiting Pearl Harbor but we got a late start in the morning and since it was Veterans Day we assumed the lines would be endless.  We scratched that idea and instead met up with a couple of people at Cromwell’s Beach before re-locating to Waimanalo Beach on the eastside.  Apparently, Waimanalo is consistently rated one of the top beaches in the world and the views back up this ranking.  We remained at the beach as long as possible before we returned home so I could pack my things, shower and head to the airport for my flight to New Zealand.

While only in Hawaii for 3 days, I believe I received a local’s tour of the island.  I tried food that most tourists would not have known about, did 3 separate hikes and dug my toes in the sand at some of Hawaii’s nicest beaches.  Although I was somewhat saddened to leave Hawaii, I boarded a plane that took me to New Zealand and officially kicked off my round-the-world adventure.

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