Day 12 – Auckland, New Zealand – 708a

I woke yesterday eager to build upon my successful first day in New Zealand.  Laying in bed, I looked at a map and my eyes locked onto Mount Eden, the highest point in Auckland.  It is named in honor of George Eden, the 1st Earl of Auckland, and provides excellent views of the city and surrounding areas.

After eating a bagel for breakfast, I inquired at the front desk as to the easiest way to get to Mount Eden.  They informed me that I could walk there in 45 minutes or take the public bus line.  I decided on the bus as experience riding public transportation will benefit me greatly as the months progress.  With that, I gathered up my belongings for the day, secured what I was leaving behind and made my way to the bus stop.

The bus approached and I clarified with the driver that it would indeed get me to Mount Eden.  With a puzzled look she said it would but there was a different bus line up the street that would be less expensive and quicker.  I thanked her for the advice and made my way up the street to wait on the second bus.  After a 10-15 minute wait, bus #277 approached and I stepped onboard.  I asked the driver if this bus would take me to Mount Eden and he nodded.  I then mentioned that I did not know when to push the button to alert him to stop.  Without a glance in my direction, he motioned with his thumb towards the back of the bus and instructed me to ask somebody else.  I took that as a cue he was tired of my questions and I should find a seat.  Needless to say he wasn’t nearly as friendly as the first driver.

I found a seat and asked the gentlemen next to me if he would give me a heads up when the bus approached Mount Eden.  He nodded and pushed the button himself as my stop approached.  I departed the bus and started the 20-25 minute ascent up a paved road to the top of Mount Eden.  Far from a strenuous hike, it did provide excellent views of the city and the weather could not have been better.  I lingered at the top for 45 minutes or so before descending to grab lunch and head back into downtown Auckland.

After a disappointing lunch at a nearby deli, I walked to the bus stop and waited on bus #277 hoping it was not the same driver.  The bus arrived, I stepped aboard and sure enough the same driver sat behind the wheel.  Again, I told him I wanted to stop at the university on Symonds street but was not sure when to alert him.  The gentlemen getting on before me turned and said he was disembarking at the same stop and would alert the driver.  I returned to the city center with an added confidence after managing my first bit of public transportation in a foreign country.  It’s the small things that make me realize I may truly make it through this global adventure.

I decided to walk around a bit more before returning to my hostel.  I made my way over to the Wynyard Quarter, a part of Auckland that is up and coming and features numerous nice restaurants on the water.  Unfortunately, I’m on a backpackers budget so I was relegated to watching others eat what looked like delicious meals.  I had a peanut butter sandwich waiting for me at the hostel.

I can’t begin to describe how much I enjoy the waterfront area of Auckland.  Maybe it’s the fact that I’ve always been drawn to the ocean but I find it very peaceful and a great place to sit down and think; think about the past, the future, this adventure and what my friends and family are doing back in the states.  It’s very easy to let the hours roll by as you look out over the water.

I eventually walked back to the hostel and polished off the aforementioned peanut butter sandwich along with a Nature Valley bar.  The Brit I was rooming with had departed and a young German took her place.  I introduced myself when he arrived.  He was only in Auckland for a night and was beginning a thru-hike of New Zealand the next morning.  We chatted about our backgrounds and travel plans as he unpacked and reorganized all his gear.  It has long been a goal of mine to hike the Pacific Crest Trail on the west coast of the United States and meeting someone embarking on a thru-hike in New Zealand was truly inspiring.

After a dinner consisting of noodles in a styrofoam cup, my Scottish roommate and I went to a few bars and pubs to sample local brews and gauge the atmosphere of the Auckland nightlife.  After a beer at 3 or 4 different places we called it a night and returned to our hostel.  Tomorrow I leave Auckland and travel south to the small town of Turangi.  While I’ll miss the very relaxing Auckland waterfront, I’m excited to see the natural beauty that draws so many to this wonderful country.


  1. Page
    November 15, 2015

    Paul, now that you’ve been in New Zealand a couple of days, how does the daily budget look, will it work for you? Is New Zealand as expensive as it is said to be? Also, what has the coverage of Paris been like there? Keep up the posts!

    • Paul
      November 16, 2015

      Honestly Page, I haven’t calculated how much I’ve spent since arriving in New Zealand on Friday. I do intend to create a spreadsheet soon and track it more carefully. I’ve kept the receipts of everything I’ve purchased so far. I bought groceries in Auckland and Turangi as that is a common method to saving money while on the road. My hostel mate in Auckland told me that he heard Auckland is the most expensive city in New Zealand. Now that I’ve left there, hopefully the prices of things will decrease as my month progresses. However, I may need you to pull a couple more OT shifts and wire me some money if the account gets low.

      I honestly didn’t hear about the events in Paris until hours after they occurred. The wifi was spotty in my hostel and in the Auckland city center so I was only made aware of it after seeing a post on Facebook. I didn’t notice any increased security around the city in the following days. There were actually quite a few people from France in my hostel and as far as I know everyone they knew were safe.

      I’m trying to publish new posts as often as possible. I gotta keep the subscribers happy and interested!! You’re the first guy I think of if I’ve gone a couple days without fresh material. I hope you’re keeping everything under control back in CT!!


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