(Part 3 of a summary from my trip to South America in late July 2015)

Machu Picchu

Machu Picchu

After a day a relaxing at the hot springs of Aguas Calientes, we were transported to Ollantaytambo. From there were took the scenic railway to Machu Picchu City and checked into our hotel for the night. For the first time in days, we could shower, do laundry, and sleep in actual beds. We woke early the next morning to wait in line for our bus ride to Machu Picchu. I can emphatically state that it is otherworldly to see the sun rise over the mountains and shine down on Machu Picchu.  No matter how many pictures you view of the area, it is something you must view in person.

View of Machu Picchu from Huayna Picchu

View of Machu Picchu from Huayna Picchu

While many only get a half day ticket to Machu Picchu, our group had full day tickets so we were able to take our time to explore the area while Edgar, our guide from Inkayni Peru Tours, described the history of this Unesco World Heritage Site.  Following our guided tour of Machu Picchu, we were scheduled to scale Huayna Picchu, the large, looming mountain that overlooks Machu Picchu and is a staple in photographs of the site itself. Our slow trek up the side of this mountain grew slower after witnessing two people being taken down on stretchers.  Onward we climbed and eventually reached the summit to exchange congratulatory hugs and high fives.

Following our day at Machu Picchu, we took the railway back to Ollantaytambo, and were driven back to Cusco. Although we had an early flight to Chile the next morning, we decided to venture out and celebrate the Peruvian Independence and our experiences from the previous four days.

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