Day 46 – Airlie Beach, Australia – 10:44

Airlie Beach is often described as the gateway to the Whitsunday Islands, a popular group of 74 islands in the Great Barrier Reef. I arrived last night around 9 pm after close to a 9 hour bus ride from Mission Beach. I was scheduled to depart Mission Beach at 10:30 am yesterday morning but due to mechanical issues the bus did not arrive until 12:30 pm.

As I progressed south, I was amazed at the openness of the land in all directions. We’d pass through a small town, and then progress into desolate areas dotted with trees, the occasional field of crops and groups of grazing cattle. After a significant amount of time, we’d enter another small town and the cycle would repeat itself the entire way to Airlie Beach. As day turned into night, I was glad to be on a bus and not driving myself. I would not want to break down or run out of gas on that stretch of road. I can only imagine how remote the center of Australia must be.

My hostel, Backpackers By the Bay, was a short walk from the bus stop. The key to my room was waiting at reception along the the keys for 3 or 4 others who had yet to arrive. In behind me walked an Irishman who appeared to be my age. We exchanged hellos and he confirmed that he too was aboard the bus heading south from Mission Beach. We agreed to drop our bags and meet for a beer on the hostel patio. Backpackers By the Bay has a small bar open from 6-10 pm daily. We ordered two beers and sat down. After offering that I was from the United States, he informed me he had visited the States in the past to play in University rugby tournaments. He was looking forward to venturing across the pond in the near future. After two beers, we decided to call it a night. I had a lot to accomplish this morning.

I woke at 7:00 am and walked to the Whitsunday Sailing Adventures Center in order to check in for my 2 day/2 night catamaran trip to the Whitsunday Islands. Due to the bus delays yesterday I missed the original check in period last evening and confirmed my spot this morning. The representative went over everything I needed to bring and I was back to my hostel around 8:00 am. I had two hours to prepare my belongings to take on the cruise, repack what remained, shower and check out of my room by 10:00 am. Surprisingly enough I accomplished everything I needed with time to spare.

My catamaran, the Tongarra, departs from Abel Point Marina in three hours. From reviews on the internet and personal accounts from individuals I met, my time aboard the Tongarra and snorkeling in the Whitsundays will be breathtaking. All meals are included in addition to snorkeling equipment, and accommodations. Hopefully, the weather holds out and the next three days are filled with crystal clear water, cloudless skies and an endless supply of multicolored marine animals.


  1. Tina
    December 18, 2015

    Looks and sounds like you’re having an amazing time so far! Love catching up on your posts…and the pictures are amazing! So glad you’re enjoying the many adventures but we miss you back home!!

  2. Jim and Karen
    December 19, 2015

    Paul, Only two beers with the irishman ?? If you were in Provincetown you would be drinking alot more with Anthony and Donnie and they are not even Irish !


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