My Love Triangle with Prague & Budapest Continues

Posted by on Apr 29, 2018 in Europe | No Comments

During my round-the-world adventure in 2016 I spent two months crisscrossing twelve European countries and attempted to take in as much history and culture as possible. Prague and Budapest, the capitals of the Czech Republic and Hungary, respectively, were two cities that left me breathless. In fact, I wrote separate blog posts on each.  If […]

The Military, Memorials & Miles

Posted by on Nov 9, 2017 in North America | One Comment

I’m going to kick this blog post off with an eye-opening piece of trivia I heard a few weekends ago while in Washington, D.C.  Q: Who is the earliest US President to still have a living grandchild?  You’ll find the answer at the end of this post. Prepare to be just as shocked as I […]

Oh Cuba, How You Amaze Me

Posted by on Jun 1, 2017 in Cuba | No Comments

As any avid follower of PERPETUAL FOOTSTEPS can attest, when it comes to travelling, I prefer to set out alone and on foot with camera in hand. I have walked down dusty streets, dark alleys and risked life and limb bounding across roads teeming with cars, trucks, motorbikes, tuk-tuks, rickshaws, horses, oxen, you name it. […]

Journey Through the Western Kingdom

Posted by on Jan 30, 2017 in Africa | One Comment

Don’t worry, your eyes are not playing tricks on you.  You did just receive an email indicating that this long-forgotten-about blog has recent activity.  Between juggling a somewhat new 9-to-5 job, furnishing a barely affordable apartment and continuing to comb through the mountain of footage and photographs from this adventure, I found time to compile another video.  Although […]

Join Me in Brussels, Belgium

Posted by on Sep 9, 2016 in Europe | One Comment

I do my best to describe the sights, smells and sounds that roused my senses as I bounced from city-to-city and country-to-country on my journey around the globe.  However, there are times when words alone cannot convey how I felt in particular situations.  The previous post describing my adventure from Brussels to Morocco is one such […]

First & Last Major Travel Faux Pas

Posted by on Aug 30, 2016 in Europe | No Comments

Tuesday, July 5, 2016 3:20 am – I wake up to the sound of my alarm buzzing. It is time to drag myself out of bed. The shuttle from my hotel to Brussels Airport leaves in thirty minutes and my Ryanair flight to Tangier, Morocco departs in three short hours. Due to the fact it […]

Long Overdue

Posted by on Aug 17, 2016 in Europe | 4 Comments

It has been a considerable amount of time since my last update, 47 days to be exact. Four weeks ago I landed back on US soil. My parents greeted me with smiles, hugs and numerous sighs of relief as I exited the international arrivals hall in Boston, Massachusetts with my luggage in tow. Over the […]

Much Needed and Delayed Update

Posted by on Jul 1, 2016 in Around the World | 2 Comments

Day 242 – Brussels, Belgium – 12:15 AM I’m still alive and kicking out here on the road! I apologize for the lack of activity on Perpetual Footsteps  over the recent weeks.  My whirl-wind two months traveling through Europe ends in a few days and my lack of down time has limited my ability to provide […]

Hiking into the Unknown…

Posted by on Jun 11, 2016 in Montenegro | No Comments

Day 221 – Bari, Italy – 7:09 PM My only stop in Montenegro was the coastal town of Kotor. First mentioned around 170 BC, the area now known as Kotor was referred to as Ascrivium and fell under the Roman province of Dalmatia. Nearly 600 years later, Roman Emperor Justinian constructed fortress walls on the […]

Cheating on Prague with Budapest

Posted by on Jun 7, 2016 in Hungary | No Comments

Day 217 – Kotor, Montenegro – 8:34 PM My previous blog post was entitled “Falling in love with Prague“.  It is hard not to become enamored with the architecture, history and underlying us-against-the-world attitude of the Czech capital.  Then I traveled to Budapest, the capital of Hungary.  The magnificent sunsets over the Danube and just as […]