24 Mile Bike Ride & a Flight in a 4 Seater

Posted by on Nov 7, 2015 in Around the World | No Comments

Day 4 – Fort Wayne, Indiana – 8:51 pm 24 Mile Bike Ride Yesterday my sister and I decided to head out on a little bike ride.  We loaded bikes onto the back of her car and made our way to a small country town outside of Fort Wayne.  It wasn’t until we were a […]

Greetings from Fort Wayne, Indiana

Posted by on Nov 5, 2015 in Around the World | 4 Comments

Day 2 – Fort Wayne, Indiana – 9:11 PM Well my round-the-world adventure has begun, although my first 2 stops are in the United States.  I’m currently in Fort Wayne, Indiana visiting family.  I landed yesterday afternoon after a short layover in Philadelphia.  Yesterday began on a stressful note as I awoke 45 minutes later […]

It Begins Tomorrow at 7 a.m.

Posted by on Nov 3, 2015 in Around the World | 6 Comments

My bags are packed.  Tomorrow morning at 7 a.m. I will board my first flight and set out on a round-the-world adventure that has been in the planning stages for 8 months.  Although prepared and finished with my numerous to-do lists, my nerves continue to bring about doubt in my mind that everything is complete. […]

Where I Am with Less than 2 Weeks Until Departure

Posted by on Oct 22, 2015 in Around the World | No Comments

Thirteen days…that is all that remains between myself and beginning a once-in-a-lifetime, yearlong adventure that will take me to lands I’d never dreamed I’d set foot on. I am both excited and terrified to embark on this journey that has been in the planning stages since early this year. Excited because I’ll get to experience […]

My Ever Increasing Social Media Footprint

Posted by on Oct 16, 2015 in Uncategorized | No Comments

I never created a MySpace Account. I reluctantly established a Facebook profile the morning I left for college. I am currently “friends” with a hundred or so people on Facebook, far short of the thousands that most others are “friends” with. For anyone who is friends with me on Facebook, they can attest to the […]

American Express Gold Card + World Nomads Insurance = 50,000 Bonus Points

Posted by on Oct 14, 2015 in Around the World | No Comments

I recently received an application in the mail for the American Express Gold Card.  The application was paired with a sign on bonus of 50,000 points if I spent $1,000 in the first 3 months.  While the 50,000 bonus points were tempting, I originally ignored the application. Earlier this week I started to research health/evacuation […]

Submit Indian Visa Application ✔

Posted by on Oct 13, 2015 in Around the World | No Comments

Weeks ago I looked into the requirements to obtain an Indian visa and found the website confusing to navigate. Before I knew it I had multiple Internet windows open all describing different hoops I’d have to jump through. I closed my Internet browser and decided to look into it again at a future date. That […]

Follow My Perpetual Footsteps Via Email

Posted by on Oct 12, 2015 in Uncategorized | No Comments

It is now easier than ever to follow my Perpetual Footsteps. Simply scroll to the bottom of this page, type your email address into the text box and click submit. After submitting your email address, you’ll be notified via email when a new post is published.

Cameras, Cords & a Computer

Posted by on Oct 12, 2015 in Around the World | No Comments

The yearlong round-the-world trip I embark on next month is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. As a result, I want to use words, photos, and videos to document my movements over the next 12 or so months. Therefore, a majority of the items that will fill my backpack are technology related: Computer: 13-Inch MacBook Pro Cameras: GoPro […]

The Mysterious World of Visas

Posted by on Oct 9, 2015 in Around the World | No Comments

( The visa requirements described in the following post pertain to citizens of the United States ) Prior to planning my twelve-month, around-the-world adventure I did not completely understand visas.  I did not know who needed a visa and who did not, or how to obtain a visa.  For someone who admittedly does not have a wealth […]