Minneapolis, St. Paul (The Twin Cities)

Posted by on Oct 8, 2015 in North America | No Comments

I am often questioned as to why I choose to run races in cities around the country and not simply rely on races close to where I live.  My normal response is that it gives me a chance to explore somewhere I have never been or return to a location I wish to revisit.  This past weekend […]

Twin Cities Marathon Recap

Posted by on Oct 6, 2015 in North America | No Comments

For me, running 26.2 miles is a very humbling experience.  There are times when I want nothing more than to turn the next corner and see the finish line only steps away.  I don’t feel this way the entire 4+ hours it takes me to complete a marathon, but it does enter my mind throughout […]

Yellow Fever, Malaria, Rabies, Dengue…the List Goes On

Posted by on Oct 1, 2015 in Around the World | No Comments

One of the most important aspects of a twelve month around the world adventure that includes a significant amount of time in Southeast Asia are vaccines.  An outbreak of yellow fever, malaria or any number of other diseases can force you to alter your plans, land you in a foreign hospital or require evacuation back to your […]

O’Hara’s Restaurant & Pub Comes to Our Rescue

Posted by on Sep 29, 2015 in North America | No Comments

Most true runners will agree that one of the best parts of running a race is the first celebratory beer after crossing the finish line.  While the amount of joy one feels from that first sip could very well correspond to the number of miles covered during the race, anyone who pins on a bib, […]

Billy Joel & the Tunnel2Towers in NYC

Posted by on Sep 28, 2015 in North America | No Comments

For the past 2 years, my dad and I have traveled to NYC for the annual Tunnel2Towers 5K.  Early in the summer we registered for the race, booked a hotel room and waited for the Tunnel2Towers weekend to arrive.  As this past weekend approached, we started to brainstorm other things to do while in New […]

6 Weeks Until My Trip Around the World Begins

Posted by on Sep 23, 2015 in Around the World | No Comments

In just 6 short weeks, a trip that has been in the planning stages since February will begin and I will set off on what is to be a year long trek around the globe.  My first stop is Indiana, where I will stay with relatives for a couple days.  From there I have flights […]

UPCOMING: 5K in NYC, 26.2 in Minneapolis

Posted by on Sep 22, 2015 in North America | No Comments

Over the next two weeks I will be running two separate races of varied lengths. On September 27, I will be running the Tunnel2Towers 5k in New York City.  This event is run in honor of Stephen Siller, a New York City Firefighter, who died on September 11, 2001 after responding to the World Trade […]

Wine Tastings, Skiing & A 25-Hour Journey Home

Posted by on Sep 8, 2015 in South America | One Comment

(Part 6 of a summary from my trip to South America in late July 2015)  After our stay in Valparaiso, we made our way to Santiago; but not before taking part in a wine tour and tasting of Casas del Bosque and Viñamar de Casablanca wineries in the Casablanca Valley. After the tour was finished, […]


Posted by on Aug 28, 2015 in South America | No Comments

(Part 5 of a summary from my trip to South America in late July 2015) Once I realized I was not going to get stranded in La Paz, Bolivia, we continued on our journey and landed in Santiago, Chile hours later. From there we took a van to Valparaiso, Chile where we stayed for the […]

Stranded in La Paz, Bolivia?

Posted by on Aug 18, 2015 in South America | No Comments

(Part 4 of a summary from my trip to South America in late July 2015) We woke early for our flight to Santiago, Chile. When we arrived at the airport in Cusco, the airline representative told us we would have to pay for a visa in La Paz, Bolivia. We stated our stay in Bolivia […]