Submit Indian Visa Application ✔

Posted by on Oct 13, 2015 in Around the World | No Comments

Weeks ago I looked into the requirements to obtain an Indian visa and found the website confusing to navigate. Before I knew it I had multiple Internet windows open all describing different hoops I’d have to jump through. I closed my Internet browser and decided to look into it again at a future date. That […]

Cameras, Cords & a Computer

Posted by on Oct 12, 2015 in Around the World | No Comments

The yearlong round-the-world trip I embark on next month is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. As a result, I want to use words, photos, and videos to document my movements over the next 12 or so months. Therefore, a majority of the items that will fill my backpack are technology related: Computer: 13-Inch MacBook Pro Cameras: GoPro […]

The Mysterious World of Visas

Posted by on Oct 9, 2015 in Around the World | No Comments

( The visa requirements described in the following post pertain to citizens of the United States ) Prior to planning my twelve-month, around-the-world adventure I did not completely understand visas.  I did not know who needed a visa and who did not, or how to obtain a visa.  For someone who admittedly does not have a wealth […]

Yellow Fever, Malaria, Rabies, Dengue…the List Goes On

Posted by on Oct 1, 2015 in Around the World | No Comments

One of the most important aspects of a twelve month around the world adventure that includes a significant amount of time in Southeast Asia are vaccines.  An outbreak of yellow fever, malaria or any number of other diseases can force you to alter your plans, land you in a foreign hospital or require evacuation back to your […]

6 Weeks Until My Trip Around the World Begins

Posted by on Sep 23, 2015 in Around the World | No Comments

In just 6 short weeks, a trip that has been in the planning stages since February will begin and I will set off on what is to be a year long trek around the globe.  My first stop is Indiana, where I will stay with relatives for a couple days.  From there I have flights […]