Relaxing in Rainbow Beach

Posted by on Dec 24, 2015 in Australia | 2 Comments

Day 52 – Rainbow Beach, Australia – 12:00 a “Day 52″…I cannot believe I am 52 days into this round-the-world adventure.  I also cannot believe that it is Christmas Day. Chances are I will wake up in the morning, put on a swimsuit and head to the beach to celebrate.  I am not used to […]

3 Day Cruise Through the Whitsunday Islands

Posted by on Dec 23, 2015 in Australia | One Comment

Day 50 – South of Mackay, Australia – 12:11 am I’m currently occupying a window seat on a 15 hour bus ride from Airlie Beach to Rainbow Beach.  My five days in Airlie Beach have come to a close and I departed last night at 7:15 PM.  For three of those five days, I, along […]

Airlie Beach & The Whitsunday Islands

Posted by on Dec 18, 2015 in Australia | 2 Comments

Day 46 – Airlie Beach, Australia – 10:44 Airlie Beach is often described as the gateway to the Whitsunday Islands, a popular group of 74 islands in the Great Barrier Reef. I arrived last night around 9 pm after close to a 9 hour bus ride from Mission Beach. I was scheduled to depart Mission […]

Location of Hostels is Key

Posted by on Dec 17, 2015 in Australia | No Comments

Day 44 – Mission Beach, Australia – 11:58a I’m currently sitting on Brooke’s Beach on Bingil Bay.  This area is a section of Mission Beach, a 2-hour bus ride south of Cairns.  I arrived around 10:30 am this morning.  A shuttle was waiting to take me to Jackaroo Hostel, my accommodation for the night.  On […]

A Day at the Cairns Lagoon and Esplanade

Posted by on Dec 17, 2015 in Australia | No Comments

Day 44 – South of Cairns, Australia – 9:15 AM I wish I had one more day in Cairns.  I really only had one day to experience the city as my first day was occupied waiting to check into my hostel.  Unable to stow away my bags until reception opened, I was forced to wait […]

Hurry Up and Wait…To Check In to My Hostel

Posted by on Dec 15, 2015 in Australia | No Comments

Day 42 – Cairns, Australia – 1:15 PM My day started this morning long before the sun rose.  I woke at 2:40 AM in Christchurch, New Zealand to prepare for my 3:20 AM shuttle to the airport.  Surprisingly enough, I was joined by five or six others who also woke at such a profane hour […]