My Love Triangle with Prague & Budapest Continues

Posted by on Apr 29, 2018 in Europe | No Comments

During my round-the-world adventure in 2016 I spent two months crisscrossing twelve European countries and attempted to take in as much history and culture as possible. Prague and Budapest, the capitals of the Czech Republic and Hungary, respectively, were two cities that left me breathless. In fact, I wrote separate blog posts on each.  If […]

Join Me in Brussels, Belgium

Posted by on Sep 9, 2016 in Europe | One Comment

I do my best to describe the sights, smells and sounds that roused my senses as I bounced from city-to-city and country-to-country on my journey around the globe.  However, there are times when words alone cannot convey how I felt in particular situations.  The previous post describing my adventure from Brussels to Morocco is one such […]

First & Last Major Travel Faux Pas

Posted by on Aug 30, 2016 in Europe | No Comments

Tuesday, July 5, 2016 3:20 am – I wake up to the sound of my alarm buzzing. It is time to drag myself out of bed. The shuttle from my hotel to Brussels Airport leaves in thirty minutes and my Ryanair flight to Tangier, Morocco departs in three short hours. Due to the fact it […]

Long Overdue

Posted by on Aug 17, 2016 in Europe | 4 Comments

It has been a considerable amount of time since my last update, 47 days to be exact. Four weeks ago I landed back on US soil. My parents greeted me with smiles, hugs and numerous sighs of relief as I exited the international arrivals hall in Boston, Massachusetts with my luggage in tow. Over the […]

My Introduction to Europe

Posted by on May 25, 2016 in Europe | One Comment

Day 202 – Frankfurt, Germany – 10:55 AM After falling behind posting updates to Perpetual Footsteps while traveling through India, I have slowed again during my first eleven days in Europe.  I will attempt to summarize my first weeks in Europe in a concise fashion, unlike many previous posts. But, I make no promises. On […]