Travelling 101: Don’t Pet Wild Dogs

Posted by on Mar 12, 2016 in Laos | 5 Comments

Day 130 – Luang Prabang, Laos – 6:15 PM The majority of the time I heed my own advice. However, as I travel around the globe, I have entirely disregarded the “Don’t Pet Wild Dogs” rule. Having said that, I will give the dog an once-over before I move in closer. If they look mangy, […]

Sharing a Mattress on a Sleeper-Bus

Posted by on Mar 10, 2016 in Laos | No Comments

Day 126 – Vang Vieng, Laos – 3:28 PM Last Friday I returned to Pakse, Laos after a two-day motorbike journey through the Bolavean Peninsula. Robin, my riding partner from the Netherlands, departed on a night bus to Vang Vieng hours after our arrival in Pakse. I decided to relax one additional day and depart […]

Motorbike Roadtrip #2 (Day 2)

Posted by on Mar 7, 2016 in Laos | No Comments

Day 123 – Pakse, Laos – 5:37 PM Robin and I decided to depart on Day 2 of our motorbike ride at 8 AM. We met two Germans over dinner in Tad Lo on Day 1 who seemed interested in riding with us for Day 2. I woke at 7 AM and descended two flights […]

Motorbike Roadtrip #2 (Day 1)

Posted by on Mar 4, 2016 in Laos | No Comments

Day 121 – Tad Lo, Laos – 8:53 P I arrived in Pakse, Laos on Wednesday afternoon after leaving Don Det, a popular destination in the island chain known as Four Thousand Islands. I departed the bus depot and walked towards the city center in search of an accommodation. I turned down two available rooms […]

Three Days Swimming in the Mekong

Posted by on Mar 1, 2016 in Laos | One Comment

Day 119 – Pakse, Laos – 9:46 PM After a grueling fourteen-hour day traveling from Siem Reap, Cambodia to Don Det, Laos, my three friends and I dropped our bags in our respective bungalows and set out for a quick dinner. We strolled down the main street in Don Det glancing at menus, reliving our day […]

You’re Not Going to Fool Me Three Times

Posted by on Feb 28, 2016 in Laos | No Comments

Day 116 – Don Det, Laos – 10:08 PM As I sat on a rickety, wooden boat at the Ban Nakasang water front, I pondered the situation I found myself in.  Maybe we made a mistake.  Maybe my fellow backpackers and I should have given in to his demands and paid the additional $1.23 USD […]